[TypeScript] Basics

Create Blockchain with Typescript : From #1.5 to #2.1 (Nomad Coder)


1 min read


  • It is a type safe language. it exists for :
  1. having less bugs 🐞
  2. minimising runtime error βŒ›οΈ
  3. more productive ⌚️

what is runtime?


Runtime is a system used primarily in software development to describe the period of time during which a program is running.

[SP//] : stackpath.com/edge-academy/what-is-runtime "What is runtime?"

ok, then, what is runtime error?

Runtime error refers to an error that takes place while executing a program. To put it simply, an error that happens while the code runs.

JavaScript doesn't support strongly typed or static typing as typed below.

[1,2,3] + true
// result 1,2,3true

What is Typescript compiled to?

  • JavaScript Code. TypeScript needed to be translated to JavaScript to be run.

Typescript can infer it sometimes

We don't have to specify a type for our variables in Typescript since TypeScript can infer.

How do we set the type of a variable explicitly in TS?

const x : string = "hi"

how to declare as an array

let a : number[] = [1];
let b : string[] = "i1";
let c : boolean[] = [true];