[TypeScript] Installation & basics

TypeScript for HTML/CSS/JS


npm install -g typescript

create an folder ending with .ts

auto complier for js

tsc -w

How to use typescript in html

<script src="compiledAsJS.js"></script>

TypeScript for React

  • adding TS
    npm install --save typescript @types/node @types/react @types/react-dom @types/jest
  • installing React with TS
    npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript

TypeScript for Vue

vue add typescript
  • to use
<script lang="ts">



let 이름 :string = 'kim'

let 이름 :string[] = ['kim', 'park']
let 나이 :{ age : number } = { age : number }

let 이름 :string | number = 'kim';

type nameType = string | number;
let 이름 :nameType = 'kim';

type NameType = 'kim' | 'park;
let 이름 :NameType = 'kim';

function 함수명(x :number) :number{
  return x * 2

function 함수명(x :number | string) {
  return x * 2

function 함수명(x :number | string) {
  if (typeof x === 'number'){
    return x * 2

type Member = [number, boolean];
let john:Member = [100, false]

type MyObject = {
  name? : string,
  age : number
let 철수 :MyObject = { 
  name : 'kim',
  age : 50

type MyObject = {
  [key :string] : number,
let 철수 :MyObject = { 
  age : 50,
  weight : 100,

class Person {
  constructor(name :string){
    this.name = name;